Thou shalt always kill

rules for designers

Thou shalt think for yourself
Thou shalt be relentless in finding and following your purpose
Thou shalt design benefit before beauty
Thou shalt enable others
Thou shalt value all effort for progress no matter how insignificant it seems
Thou shalt challenge others’ idols and idolize change
Thou shalt not work for or with assholes
Thou shalt feed your hunger
Thou shalt act out your foolishness
Thou shalt hate nothing except hatred
Thou shalt base critique on facts not taste
Thou shalt make something that scares you every day
Thou shalt acknowledge your shortcomings
Thou shalt not be limited by others’ limits
Thou shalt free yourself from peer pressure
Thou shalt remember the feeling of insecurity you had when you started out
Thou shalt learn to spot les bullshitteurs, let someone teach you
Thou shalt focus on method not tools
Thou shalt walk away from design by committee, no matter how much you make or who you work for
Thou shalt trust your guts if your guts can be trusted
Thou shalt value friendship and trust over success
Thou shalt be loyal at your very core to be able to design for commitment and loyalty
Thou shalt not fall in love with your work so easily
Thou shalt trust no one producing self-centered branding, marketing or communication
Thou shalt not make generic repetitive designs,
Thou shalt not make generic repetitive designs,
Thou shalt not make generic repetitive designs,
Thou shalt not make generic repetitive designs, leave that to self-centered branding, marketing or communication agencies.
Thou shalt not be intimidated by imitators
Thou shalt only be brutally frank if it helps
Thou shalt have the stomach to admit failure
Thou shalt not take shit from no one, regardless of your mistakes
Thou shalt honor the fact that ideas come unannounced at any time of day or night
Thou shalt not structure your leisure
Thou shalt value your time as your greatest asset and spend it on what matters to you
Thou shalt make time to waste time
Thou shalt waste time without regret
Thou shalt learn from the past and believe in the future

And most important of all:
Thou shalt always kill.

Inspired by “Thou shalt always kill” by Dan Le Sac vs. Scrrobious pip

The Next Big Thing: Content Driven Prototyping

Building interactive prototypes is increasingly becoming a standard in today’s UX practice. This is an awesome development and designers should be encouraged to evolve from thinking about interaction design to actually producing it for their prototypes.

A very sensible approach to interactive prototypes for the (mobile-) web is building them using HTML/CSS/JS. After all this is what the web is made of (apart of cat-content of course). During the last 2 years I have been building a prototyping tool for designers that allows building prototypes that scale fast. The tool is called Protostrap and I already wrote a post about its awesome glory.

Content is Key

One thing that I found not so glorious about Protostrap – and all the rest of the prototyping tools for that matter – is that almost all content is hardcoded into the templates. This means that a lot of content is used  multiple times in different places on the site. If any changes have to happen to some specific content this has to be changed on every occurrence. Not so cool.

Changing the approach to prototyping

Much cooler would be to gather content in one place to make it easy to correct and edit the content. A COPE of prototyping so to speak. The benefit of collecting the data in one place is not only easy correction and extension. The immense advantage is that designers have a direct benefit of thinking about actual content right at the start of the project. This helps see the connections between the elements of the site and should reflect the content object model you that is  going to be used on the site.

I expect that content driven prototyping will emerge as a result of the complexity we are faced as designers that have to deal with adaptive content and the delivery to multiple devices.

Pimp my Protostrap

As a Content Strategist I fully embrace a Content-First approach and therefore I decided to bring Protostrap to the next level adding some sort of data-layer. The challenge was to keep it really simple while still having a lot of flexibility. A Database? Easy to add to Protostrap but too complex to use. An Excel File? Easy to use but Too hard to get it right on Protostrap’s side.
The solution I went for is adding a file data.php that contains content in the YAML format.*

The way YAML works is that data is structured solely with “Key: Value” pairs and indents are used for hierarchy.

A simple YAML file looks like:

name: Freddy
age: 34
    street: 4 Canterbury Road
    city: Colchester

This is a very human readable format that should not be too hard to come to terms with.

Each first level key is exposed as a variable in Protostrap. This means that in the example above the designers have the variables $name, $age, $address at disposition.

Bildschirmfoto 2013-06-05 um 16.46.26

The Events example looks like this in the template:

 <table class="table table-blank">
    <% foreach($events as $event){ &>
            <td><%= $event['date'] ;%></td>
                <strong><%= $event['title']; %></strong><br>
                <%= $event['subtitle']; %>
    <% } %>

* YAML is also the way that the much more complex prototyping tool Prontotype handles data.

How Ian Fenn and Karen McGrane rewired my brain.

Last week I gave a talk at UX Lisbon. This talk meant a lot to me, not only due to the prestigiousness of the event but because I decided to radically change how I would create, prepare and deliver my talks. This is the story of how this came about.

Continue reading How Ian Fenn and Karen McGrane rewired my brain.

Get Protostrap – a Prototyping Framework for Designers

As of today a brandnew release of Protostrap is available. Protostrap is a prototyping framework for designers that want to get clickable and testable Prototypes up and running fast. This post is about the whys and basic hows of Protostrap.

Continue reading Get Protostrap – a Prototyping Framework for Designers

Device Proficiency

A while back Jared M. Spool made a much noticed observation in an interesting post regarding designers who can code .

It’s clear from our research that designers who can code bring more to the team and, in the long run, see more of their brilliant work making it through the development process, to the user.

The topic is still hot and dividing the designer community in a tabs vs. spaces way (if you don’t get that reference you are a non-programming designer).

Having programming skills as a designer will most certainly work in your favor both on the market place as well as on the job. The crucial thing though might not be having programming skills as such but something I call device proficiency.

Continue reading Device Proficiency

Post-fictional droidism: interactions with artificial intelligence

In october 2011 Apple launched a personal assistant called Siri with one of their iPhone upgrades. While the rest of the new soft- and hardware were hardly worth mentioning, Siri got quite a bit of momentum.

My 18 months old son and Siri have something going behind my back.

Especially in the first time after its release, but also up to this day I could make several observations that, when put together, have very interesting implications on how we think of, feel about and respond to artificial intelligence. There is no denying: Even before Siri, artificial intelligence had started to creep into our lives at an increasing speed. We are entering the era of post-fictional droidism: we can surround us with elaborate appliances that do the vacuming for us, get us the info we need to get something done or manage to save electricity by observing our routines and learning how we live.
Continue reading Post-fictional droidism: interactions with artificial intelligence

Shaping the Future: The UX of Near Field Communication

NOTE: This is the draft of my entry for a lightning talk at UX Lisbon 2013. Let me know what you  think of it.

The information age took us by storm and the mobile revolution is still in full effect – yet we already stand on the brink of the next paradigm shift: the seamless connection of information and personal devices.

Much of this involves a technology called Near Field Communication, NFC in short. NFC is based on paper-thin adhesive chips that can hold tiny bits of information. These can be stuck wherever their use is appropriate and read by NFC devices, mobile Phones being one important part of them. More and more mobile phones come with the capability to read and also write NFC chips.

NFC is usually only mentioned in connection with payment systems. Its range of possible use though is breathtaking and sadly too often neglected.

This talk offers a brief introduction to the principle of how NFC works and focuses on the amazing possibilities of NFC in everyday use and how NFC can enrich our experiences with technology by showing actual and (once) futuristic use cases and how this relates to our profession of User Experience Design.